Fluxus Cycle

(You may purchase the recording of all these piece through the following link: KAIROS CD)

- Electronics (Stereo)

Premiered at Festival Primavera 2013

- Electronics (Stereo)

  • Fluxus - Dimensionless Sound (A) [2012-2014]
- Flute with glissando headjoint 
- Electronics (Stereo)

Premiered at Festival F.L.S.I. - Festival for the Liberation of Sound and Image
Dedicated to Erik Drescher and Gerard Pape

- Flute 
- Electronics (Stereo)

- Cello
- Double Bass 
- Electronics (Stereo)

Dedicated to Duo Contracello

- Electronics (for 16 channels in a dome distribution).

Commissioned within the frame of the project “The Soundscape We Live In”, an european project organized in collaboration with GMVL, Tempo Reale, Amici della musica de Cagliari, AFEA and Ionian University)

- Guitar Quartet
- Electronics (for 16 channels in a dome distribution)

Aleph Guitar Quartet Musikfonds e.V., ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe

Dedicated to the Aleph Guitar Quartet

Aleph Guitar Quartet Musikfonds e.V., ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe)

Dedicated to the Aleph Guitar Quartet

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