Fluxus, Lift was played on the 7. November, 19h, at the 2. Saarbrücker Tage für elektro-akustische und visuelle Musik - EviMus (Germany); The same piece was played on the 11th Nov., 21h30 - Festivais de Outono da Universidade de Aveiro and in MUSLAB 2015 at Instituto Cervantes, Rio de Janeiro, on the 18th Nov.
On the 13h Nov., 21:30, I played Vasco Mendonça with Grupo Música Contemporânea Lisboa , Pedro Neves and José Luís Ferreira in Academia das Ciências de Lisboa.

"Fluxus, Transitional Flow" was played once again by João Delgado and José Carlos Sousa, 17th Nov. - Festivais de Outono of University of Aveiro.

From 16-20th November I was in Sofia, Bulgaria attending the 12th ASEF ClassNet Conference - “Coding for Education”.
"Sangue Inverso: Ametista (B)", for Borealis Ensemble (António Carrilho and Helena Marinho), was premiered on the 21st Nov., in Conservatório de Música de Aveiro de Calouste Gulbenkian.

"Fluxus, Drag", for Duo Contracello (Adriano Aguiar and Miguel Rocha), was premiered on the 22nd Nov. - XVII Festival de Música Contemporánea de Madrid COMA'15 - http://amcc.es/coma/coma15/duo-contracello/