Sounds Around Me Festival - Vienna

Jaime Reis foi um dos compositores convidados para o Festival Sounds Around Me, o qual teve lugar em Viena de Áustria entre os dias 24 e 29 de Setembro de 2019. Além de lecionar masterclasses de composição acústica e electroacústica, Jaime Reis apresentou também uma palestra com o título Mixed music in my musical practice: dialogues, “mikrophonie” and “sound beams”. O Festival contou ainda com os compositores Annette Vande Gorne (Belgium), Thomas Gorbach (Austria) e Alla Zagaykevych (Ukraine).

Jaime Reis was one of the invited composers to the Sounds Around Me Festival, which took place Vienna on 24-29 September 2019. In addition to teaching acoustic and electroacoustic composition masterclasses, Jaime Reis also made a lecture entitled Mixed music in my musical practice: dialogues, “mikrophonie” and “sound beams”. The festival also had the presence of the composers Annette Vande Gorne (Belgium), Thomas Gorbach (Austria) and Alla Zagaykevych (Ukraine).

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